
Saturday, December 18, 2010

Gardening Addiction

Mary, Mary, quite contrary,

How does your garden grow?

With silver bells and cockle shells,

And pretty maids all in a row.

-- Anonymous

I have found a new hobby that is quite addicting. I have begun to garden. I can’t seem to stay away from the garden center too long. The seed packets advertise blossoms that could make me THINK I could create a secret garden. And what would be in this secret garden? SILENCE!!51CZ4BA0BZL__SL500_AA300_

There are many versions of the Secret Garden movies, but this one pictured above from Hallmark in 1987 is my favorite.


I wish I had a garden like the ones that are at the Old Parliament House. But I will settle for what I have accomplished so far.

Of course accessories and makeup can be inspired the flowers and nature.


The organic blush on the right is from Physician’s Formula. The soft colors of the eyeshadow quad from Chanel is appropriately titled “Garden Party”. Clinique has a line of lip products that are a cross between a lipbalm and lipstick called Buttershines. “First Love” is my favorite.IMG_2111

I am embarrassed to admit that this is only a sampling of my floral costume jewelry. Some is from Forever21 and an accessories store here in Australia. I am so glad that big rings are still in fashion, even though after the fad is long gone I will still be rockin’ it! It is nice to be over 30 and not care what people think about what I am wearing.IMG_2117

There are no soft muted nail polishes in this bunch. Garden colors should be vibrant. L to R Essie’s Watermelon, Eclipse in Purple, and OPI Banana Bandanna.


You can never have to many books about flowers. I started to collect these when I was 12 years old.


I have taken to wearing a hat when taking my son for a walk.